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New Leather Composite Basketballs
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Maximize Your Game
New from Cannon Sports

Compression and REcovery

Cannon Sports Compression and Recovery products provide support, stability, and overall enhancement during daily activities or rigorous exercise and training. Our items provide optimal compression to assist in pain minimalization and decreased inflammation. You will notice decreased muscle fatigue and maximum support to your joints.

New Collection of Signature Water Bottles

Sports Bottles

Stay hydrated no matter where you are with our stylish, compact, and easy to use sports water bottles. Large mouth opening allows you to easily add ice, mixes, or powders to keep you refreshed.

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Shop for More Items at Our New Marketplace!

Cannon Sports: 40 Years in the Sporting World

Based in Los Angeles, California, Cannon Sports is dedicated to all things sports, providing you with all the equipment, entertainment, and excitement you need to get up, get moving, and declare “Play On!”

Founded in 1986, selling sporting goods out of a catalogue, Cannon Sports has grown into a large-scale provider of accessible equipment and premium gear worldwide. We are proud to produce our own line of reliable, high-quality sporting goods, ranging from basketballs and footballs to discuses and shot puts and everything in between. Supplying schools and school districts, local city parks and facilities, Amateur and Professional athletes and enthusiasts alike, Cannon Sports operates on the simple idea that no matter who you are or where you’re from, sports are for everyone and should be accessible for anyone who wants to play.